ANSYS for UCI Engineering Students, Faculty, Researchers

As of 2017, HSSOE has entered into a paid campus license agreement with ANSYS. The software can be used for instruction, education, and non-commercial research.

As of 2017, HSSOE has entered into a paid campus license agreement with ANSYS. The software can be used for instruction, education, and non-commercial research.

ANSYS Downloads

You need to be logged into your UCI Google Apps account.

ANSYS 2023 R2 - Windows

ANSYS 2024 R2 - Windows

ANSYS 2024 R2 - Linux

ANSYS Electromagnetics Suite-2024 R2

ANSYS Optics Studio Suite-2024 R2

Lumerical:  Any inquiries related to Lumerical should be directed to We currently don't have a license for Lumerical at UCI.

What's included in our license?

We have the ANSYS Academic  Multiphysics Campus Solution.

About ANSYS Campus Software Program:

ANSYS Support

Visit the ANSYS Learning Forum for support

ANSYS Online Training and Tutorials

ANSYS Innovation Courses

Ansys Innovation Courses are free, online physics and engineering courses.

Using ANSYS on the HPC

Please see How to use ANSYS on the HPC

Installation Prerequisites:

Before proceeding with your ANSYS installation, please do the following:

Installation Instructions

You must be connected to UCI Campus Network using campus ethernet or VPN in order to install ANSYS.  

If you are using campus Wi-Fi, you need to use UCI's VPN because OIT blocks many network ports.

1)  Mount the ISO labeled ANSYS2021R1_WINX64_DISK1.

2)  Right-click the setup.exe  and select "Run as Administrator" after mounting the ISO`

3)  Click Install ANSYS Products from the menu that pops up.  Do not install the ANSYS license manager.

4)  Scroll down and click "I AGREE" and then click NEXT >>

5) Select Install Directory or leave it as the default. Do not change the checked & unchecked boxes. Click Next >>

6)  INPUT License Server info.

7) The software should select the products to be installed based on the license server so click Next >>

If you select additional products, they may not run because we are not licensed for them.


Contact Lisa Preble,  if you require use of a package we are not licensed for.

8) Configure CAD

9) Click Next to continue installation.

10) You will reach the following install screen. It will install until it requires the second iso and the enter path to the next media window pops up. Mount the second ISO named ANSYS2021R1_WINX64_DISK2 and click browse and find your mounted iso. Do this again for Disk 3.

11) Click exit and your ANSYS software should now be ready to be used.

Further configuration for ANSYS 2021

There are additional steps for ANSYS. If you are receiving license errors, please do the following:

1) Create or edit the LSHOST Environment Variable as a System Variable and add license server IP  address

2) Check the settings in the Licensing Client Settings Manager.  This utility doesn't like special characters so use the IP address.  

Firewall settings

There are significant firewall exceptions that need to be made in order for all applications within ANSYS to function.  

ANSYS Troubleshooting

License Issues

1) What is the license server?

2) I'm not getting a license, how do I check if my connection to the license server is running?

3) I receive an error "Failed to check out license 'hfsshpc_pack'.  License server does not support this license SR Description."

4)  I can't get a license for Optics Studio:

5)  I get ANSYS timeout issue on startup and I can't see all of the apps in Workbench

This is both a firewall issue and a flexlm timeout issue on the client (not the server).

Here's the steps to fix the issue

1)  Close ANSYS and all ANSYS apps  

2)  Make sure ansyscl.exe is added to your Windows Firewall. 

3)   Follow the instructions here to edit the ansyslmd.ini file and create a FLEXLM_TIMEOUT system variable.

Variable Name – FLEXLM_TIMEOUT

 Variable Value – 50000000

4)  If you don't see any changes then reset ANSYS using the instructions on the same page

6) How to figure out if there's license errors on your installation

General ANSYS help issues

1) How to get official support

2)   How do I learn ANSYS?

2) Is this research-level software offered without any node-restrictions?

3) What is the difference between the research version and instructional version?

4) What are the node restrictions for Instructional-use licenses?

5) How do I use the ANSYS Campus software from off-campus?

7) Who may install the software?

8) Where can I install the software?

9) Is the student version still available?

11) How do I use Fluent?

10) What platforms and hardware are supported?

13)  How to access ANSYS manuals (Windows)

15How many cores they can use with our license?

14)  How to access ANSYS on the HPC

Node Restrictions / MultiCore - Troubleshooting

1) I keep getting node restrictions on the research version.

2 ) My HPC installation is not multi-core.  It's supposed to use all my processor cores.

3)  How do I run a parallel process or job scheduler?

Electromagnetics Suite - Issues

1 ) ANSYS Electronics Suite does not open

A recent Windows update (2/8/2021), Microsoft update KB4571756, results in one of the Windows functions (DescribePixelFormat) crashing on startup.

For versions 2018.0 and newer, please try setting the environment variable ANSYS_EM_DONOT_PRELOAD_3DDRIVER_DLL=1 to get around the problem.

    1) Go to Control Panel\System and Security\System. Click "Advanced System Settings" on the left.

    2) Click Environment Variables

     3)  Click NEW under System Variables

     4)  Type in System Variable name and value:

5)  Click OK.

6) Start Ansys EM.  You may need to enable PPE option below on the next step.           

16)  ERROR MESSAGE:  Failover feature <FeatureName> specified in license preferences is not available.  Request name <featurename> does not exist in the licensing pool.  Feature has expired.   

This error message appeared with the 1/15/2021 license server update. 

How to Fix:

  1) Verify Ansys EM version is 2020R1 or newer

  2) Open EM Desktop.

  3) Go to Tools -> Options -> General Options -> Desktop configuration", then check the first box for enabling PPE license mode

3)  Error message when opening ANSYS:   “The application cannot be run at this time because the ENABLE_ANSYS_QA_SERVICES environment variable is enabled. This application is not supported in the scope of an ANSYS QA Services agreement” is displayed. 

FIX:  Recommended solution: Please open the Environment Variables in the control panel (Control Panel>System and Security>System>Advanced system settings>Environment variables) and check if there is any variable named “ENABLE_ANSYS_QA_SERVICES” and delete it.

ANSYS Videos

About ANSYS, Inc.

ANSYS brings clarity and insight to customers' most complex design challenges through fast, accurate and reliable engineering simulation. Our technology enables organizations — no matter their industry — to predict with confidence that their products will thrive in the real world. Customers trust our software to help ensure product integrity and drive business success through innovation. Founded in 1970, ANSYS employs more than 2,500 professionals, many of them expert in engineering fields such as finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, electronics and electromagnetics, and design optimization. Headquartered south of Pittsburgh, U.S.A., ANSYS has more than 70 strategic sales locations throughout the world with a network of channel partners in 40+ countries. Visit for more information.

Ansys Software