Instructor Notes & Scheduling Computer Labs
Campus Police non-Emergency - 949-824-5223
For technical issues
Contact the HSSOE Lab Manager, Lisa Preble (949) 824-3965,
For room reservations
Contact CASA, REC 114, (949) 824-3636,
Lab facilities issues (heat, AC, power, keys)
Contact HSSOE Facilities:,
Instructional Capabilities of our Labs
To find out about the podium and instructional capabilities, please click on each link
General Lab Info
Scheduled classes have priority over student drop-in use.
You may ask drop-in students to leave during scheduled classes.
If a student is reluctant to leave, please call campus police non-emergency line, 949-824-5223
Engineering computer labs are restricted to HSSOE majors and students enrolled in HSSOE classes.
If enrolled students are having problems logging in, please contact the HSSOE Lab Manager,
How to schedule labs
The CASA office is in charge of all scheduling for Engineering computer labs.
Please contact CASA at
Scheduled classes have priority over all other requests.
What is allowed in the labs?
Classes, discussions, and sections listed in the schedule-of-classes are allowed in the Engineering computer labs
Workshops sponsored by School of Engineering organized by Dean's Office staff and OAI.
Engineering staff are expected to be in attendance of the events they're hosting.
Engineering clubs can use the labs as long as participants are UCI Engineering Students.
What is not allowed in the labs
TA office hours cannot be scheduled in computer labs
TA's can informally meet with their students in the labs but TA's cannot ask other students to leave.
Events where participants are non-Engineering students are typically not allowed unless it's an OAI event.
Raspberry Pi and Arduino projects require special permission from the lab manager.
We prefer these events in some other location, not the computer labs
Be expected to purchase equipment such as keyboards, mice, and power strips
Department functions are generally not allowed
Departments should use their own facilities for their events
Workshops sponsored by companies where participants are not students. Sorry not allowed.
Please contact campus conference services
Workshops sponsored by departments outside of Engineering are not allowed.
Please contact campus conference services
Contact OIT for computer lab accommodations.
Summer camps sponsored by individual faculty members are not allowed.
Please contact campus conference services
Contact OIT to use their labs.
Summer camps sponsored by Engineering departments or campus organizations are not allowed
Department events should use department facilities
Campus organizations should use OIT computer labs
COSMOS is authorized to use OIT computer labs since they are part of Undergraduate Education
Engineering labs are typically impacted during summer and IT staff are busy
Please plan to use Department labs and/or OIT computer facilities for COSMOS events
Abuse of lab equipment will not be tolerated
Food and drinks are not allowed
Raspberry Pi / Arduino Projects
The Engineering computer labs are not appropriate for Raspberry Pi / Arduino projects.
We've had broken and mishandled equipment in our labs therefore we cannot allow Raspberry Pi projects unless there is consent from the lab manager.
For approved events using Raspberry Pi / Arduino, expect to purchase additional equipment such as keyboards, mice, power strips, additional cables.
You may not unplug our keyboards and mice. They're locked down.
Responsibilities for Department Staff
Department staff should collect software requirements for their classes in order to verity course outcomes are satisfied for accreditation purposes.
The software name should be collected for example Matlab, Excel, Solidworks, etc.
Software requirements should be listed in the schedule of classes.
This information is also helpful for your department planning of software purchases.
The lab manager only needs to know about software expected to be installed in the labs.
I don't need your entire department's software requirements.
If software needs to be accessible to students in the computer labs, then it's the department's responsibility to inform the lab manager.
This includes software from non-computer lab classes.
For example, classes without a computer lab may still have software requirements and the instructor might expect students to use the software in the labs outside of classes. If that's the case, then please make sure the lab manager knows about this software.
For classes scheduled in Engineering computer labs, you must provide the software name to CASA whenever you request computer lab space.
CASA will communicate software to lab manager. The lab manager will confirm software installation to department contact.
The department should coordinate any new software with the lab manager.
It's the department's responsibility to obtain and purchase software for use by their classes.
On occasion the Dean's Office may agree to fund software if it is used across multiple departments and is considered an essential tool for Engineering students.
Otherwise, it's the department's responsibility to purchase software.
How to request new software installations in the labs
Contact Lab Manager, Lisa Preble
I typically install new software during the summer so that I can test and troubleshoot for conflicts.
All software must comply with UCI Campus Security Policies.
There's a form that needs to be filled out during the purchase. Your purchasing staff should be able to assist you.
Please be aware of the following limitations:
We have a complex computing environment therefore I cannot guarantee your software will work in our labs.
Student accounts have security limitations therefore software may not operate the same in our labs compared to personal laptops.
Software requiring full Administrator privileges cannot be used in school labs.
Software must be accessible over multiple user accounts.
We cannot install software using individual serial numbers.
We cannot install software licensed for trial usage.
We cannot install unlicensed software or software not licensed for computer lab use.
Occasionally there's issues with student edition software so please verify licensing with lab manager.
Please know software installed in our labs changes annually.
It's important for instructors to communicate software requirements to department staff in order to insure software availability
Refer to the software list to see what's currently installed.
Software Licensing for the Labs
All software must comply with UCI Campus Security Policies.
Licensing requirements:
The same software is installed on all Engineering lab computers.
I cannot install software on only a few of our computers.
I cannot install software using unique individual serial numbers.
All licensed software must use floating licenses with a FlexLM network license.
A floating license means you can have less licenses than computers. A license is checked out when it's used and then given back when it exits.
Non FlexLM licenses can be problematic and I can't guarantee they'll work in our environment.
You should purchase enough licenses to cover the number of students expected to concurrently use the software.
For example, if you expect to have a lab with 60 students, then you should purchase 60 licenses.
If you expect to have two labs that meet at the same time, then make sure you have enough licenses for all of those students.
The network license must work across different subnets and be separate from the Windows domain.
We have computer labs across campus on each lab is on a different subnet network.
License servers are on a different subnet from lab machines.
Software licenses cannot be restricted to a single subnet otherwise they wont work in our environment.
Workshops - OAI and Dean's Office Camps
Approved workshops such as OAI and summer programs must agree to the following:
For approved Raspberry Pi workshops, your organization must provide keyboards, mice, and power strips.
Your students MAY NOT unplug lab keyboards and mice
Your students may not re-route mice and keyboards.
The reason is our equipment gets damaged
The cables get pulled in a way that make it difficult for students to use the labs.
Your organization must clean up after the event
Please remove ALL equipment and supplies.
Your organization must make sure the labs are in working order upon completion of the event
Work with Lab Manager to make sure equipment is in working order before and after the workshop.
Your organization must agree to cover expenses for all damaged equipment caused during your event.
No painting, no gluing, no food or drinks inside the labs.
Your counselors are responsible for reporting any damaged or not-working equipment.
Other issues for OAI and summer camps
Provide lab manager with:
List of camps, dates, what rooms they’ll use.
List of counselors with their names and UCI email addresses so I can add their accounts to our system.
General idea who the attendees will be such as current students, incoming students, outsiders not part of UCI.
Depending on the camp and attendees, I’ll need names and email addresses of attendees so I can add their accounts.
For FabCamp, request a generic account and also request access for your counselors.
List of software used in the camps
List of any external hardware used in the computer labs such as arduinos and raspberry pi’s.
Specify if any wi-fi will be required for Raspberri Pi's.
Please know this request is difficult to accommodate and requires extra hardware such as a router. This is due to limitations of campus network.
It also takes extra time for computing staff to consult and we're very busy.
Make plans for wi-fi starting early spring.
Arrange a meeting with the lab manager.
I’ll go over expectations for the camps, counselors, and attendees so we can keep the labs in working order.
Will wi-fi be used on the devices?
Please know this address extra complication because OIT does not allow static IP addresses on Wi-Fi.
FabCamp was provided with a router, however devices need to be configured to work with it.
School IT does not keep documentation, please remember to document your processes.
Please be prepared with testing your projects in advance of the camp.
Also test any logins IN ADVANCE.
Lab Issues
Issues in MSTB 224:
The projector displays at low resolution on the podium PC.
Please bring your own laptop if you need to use the projector
There is no extra power for laptops - YOU MAY NOT UNPLUG COMPUTERS
Issues in ECT 123:
There is no extra power for laptops - YOU MAY NOT UNPLUG COMPUTERS